Uniformerly Member

When listing as a Uniformerly Member, items are clearly displayed with a pre-populated contact form allowing the member to be contacted by another parent with one button click. The note in the top right of the image shows this item has been listed by a parent.
PTA Boost

When listing as a PTA or school with a PTA Boost, your listings will look similar to member listings except that they have the green PTA badge and the note tells parents that the item is available from their PTA/school. Again the contact form is pre-populated with the members details allowing them to make contact with one click.
PTA Shop

With a PTA Shop, listings look similar to PTA Boost listings, but instead of the contact form on the right hand side, there is a quantity box and an ’Add to Basket’ button. This allows parents to add items to their baskets and then pay their PTA or school directly using PayPal.