

8th January 2025 – How will the Government’s Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill help save Parents Money on School Uniform Costs?

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill is introducing measures to help with school uniform costs. So, what do these changes mean to parents and pupils? Here’s what you need to know…

Key Objective of the Bill:

To cut uniform costs for parents by reducing the number of branded items required. The Department for Education, (Educations Hub Media Officer) states that;

“School uniforms can contribute to a sense of belonging for students as well as reducing peer pressure when it comes to clothing choices.

But we know many families are struggling with the mounting cost of school uniforms – with half of parents feeling concerned about the cost of uniforms and 12% saying they have been in financial hardship as a result.

Many schools are already taking steps to reduce school uniforms costs, but others still require 10 or more branded items per child. That means those parents have fewer options to buy cheaper uniform items from the high street or supermarkets.

The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill will ban schools from requiring parents to buy more than three branded items as part of the school uniform. Secondary and Middle schools will be able to require an additional branded item if one of those items is a branded tie. The government is clear that these items should be limited to low-cost and long-wearing items only.

This means, for the first time, no school in England will be able to require unnecessarily large numbers of branded items, so no parent will be unfairly disadvantaged.

Currently 24% of primary and 70% of secondary schools still require five or more branded items, with some parents saying they were asked to provide 10 or more. Others already require less than three or four branded items. That means savings will depend on the reduction in branded items required.

Costs will vary from supplier to supplier, but parents of pupils at schools that have to remove at least one item could save on average around £14 per primary pupil and £19 per secondary pupil. This is because there will be more options available to parents when it comes to buying their uniform.

How else can families save money on uniform costs?

Some families may be able to get grants to help with paying for school uniforms, depending on their local authority and whether they are eligible. Some schools or trusts run their own schemes to help with uniform costs, but they should also help make second-hand uniforms available to parents. This can be through setting up a second-hand uniform scheme or by signposting parents to an existing one.”

Commenting on the Bill, Jane Gossling, Co-founder of Uniformerly said “ The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill represents a progressive step towards making school uniforms more affordable and combined with Uniformerly’s FREE pre-loved school uniform marketplace, we can help parents save even more!”

So, how can Uniformerly actually help parents save money?

Well, as an off-the-shelf, second-hand school uniform platform, we’re ready to go right now! Parents, schools and PTAs can list their children’s outgrown uniforms for FREE direct at their school(s).

Currently, we’re helping over 7,000 schools to ‘re-wear’ school uniform, not only helping parents to save on buying new but also providing a solution that enables parents and schools to make money from selling their uniform and school related items online.

We’re campaigning for all parents, schools and PTAs across the UK to take advantage of Uniformerly by joining our growing community today.

We promise that, from registering (only name, email, LEA and School required) to listing your first item takes less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!

1st January 2025 – Labour Party introduces 20% VAT on Private School Fees

As the recent increase in VAT on private schools hits some families hard, many parents are feeling the financial strain once again. With rising costs in education, every little bit helps, especially when it comes to school-related expenses.

One significant area where parents can find help is through Uniformerly’s School Uniform Recycling Initiative, which aims to alleviate the expense of uniforms by providing a sustainable pre-loved marketplace that enables parents to buy, sell and exchange outgrown school uniforms at their children’s school for FREE.

At Uniformerly HQ we strongly believe that…

Here’s how Uniformerly can help parents save money:

1. Affordability: By purchasing pre-loved uniforms through Uniformerly, parents can access items at a fraction of the price of new items. This helps keep costs down while ensuring your children have the necessary kit for school. Did you know…

      “On average, parents save themselves 80% on buying new”

      2. Flexibility and Convenience: Our marketplace is user-friendly, making it easy for parents to find and exchange uniforms from the comfort of their own homes, helping to save both time and money, as families can quickly access what they need without the hassle of traditional shopping.

      3. Sustainability: Not only does Uniformerly save parents money, but it also promotes sustainability. By recycling uniforms, parents contribute to reducing waste, fostering a more eco-friendly approach to school uniform and decreasing their environmental impact.

      4. Community Support: Uniformerly fosters a sense of community among parents, PTA’s and schools. By connecting families, we’re creating opportunities for parents to support one another and share resources, ultimately leading to cost savings for everyone involved.

      In these challenging economic times, Uniformerly’s school uniform recycling initiative offers a practical and beneficial solution for parents and schools. By embracing a sustainable approach, families can not only reduce their expenses but also contribute to a healthier planet.

        21st September 2023 – Helping Parents Pockets & Planet Campaign

        Growth spurts! Kids are constantly growing out of their clothes and school uniform is no different. 

        Did you buy a new item at the beginning of the summer holidays and they outgrew it by September? 

        Did your school uniform supplier run out of stock? Or were the items you needed on pre-order?  

        Did your pre-loved items from your favourite second-hand apps charge you for postage? And then the item got lost in the post anyway?

        What a faff!

        Did you know?

        So far, we’ve helped parents save over half a million pounds on school uniform! 

        Did you also know that by reusing 1kg of school uniform saves 25kg of CO2? (Intexter 2022).


        This September, we’re launching our Helping Parents Pockets and Planet Campaign!

        Simply list 5 things your kids no longer need and find the things they do.

        What about the bike they’ve outgrown, the instrument they’ve given up or just started, the books they’ve read, the revision aids they’ve finished with, the winter coat they’ve outgrown, the backpack they’re too old for, the pencil case they’re bored of or the scooter that needs a new home? Or what about… last years World Book Day costume, their school shoes, their football boots, their ballet shoes, their trainers, their hockey stick that’s too small or their flute they no longer play? There are so many items you can buy and sell on Uniformerly that aren’t just school uniform!

        Just by listing:

        • 1 blazer
        • 1 jumper
        • 1 shirt
        • 1 tie
        • 1 pair of trousers

        You’ll be helping to decrease CO2 emissions and reduce the impact of clothing waste on the planet. 

        29th August 2023 – Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis, talks – School Uniform Money Saving Tips

        Money Saving Expert always has handy tips on how to kit out the kids on the cheap! and this summer Uniformerly features in their Guide – ‘Eight ways to save on school uniform’.

        Tips include: supermarket sales and deals, outlet stores, Government grants and charity shops to pre- loved platforms like Uniformerly, where you can bag branded second-hand uniform for pennies or even for free!

        Click here to find our more…

        7th August 2023 – PTA+ Magazine – Fundraising Schemes for Schools & PTAs

        We’re featured on the PTA+ Fundraising Schemes database. For a quick snapshot of what we do and what they have to say about us, click here

        12 July 2023 – A website is being praised by parents

        Naomi Bertram from Heart wrote:

        “With the cost of living crisis affecting millions of families, now mums and dads can save money on their kids’ school uniform.

        Uniformerly sells items such as blazers, shirts, PE Kits, coats and socks, as well as accessories including pencil cases, scarves, wellies and books. Parents can search for items using the name of their child’s school and can save on postage” because everything is available locally and ready to collect from a parent or from your school. “On the flip side, if you’ve purchased an item from Uniformerly or another schoolwear outlet and your child has outgrown it, you can list and sell it on the Uniformerly marketplace for another child to wear. It’s completely free to list” and you don’t pay commission on items sold.

        To find out more, click here.

        10th July 2023 – The Sun News speaks to Uniformerly about Cashing in on outgrown school uniform

        Sophie King from The Sun News, reported about how Uniformerly can help parents cash in on outgrown uniform.

        She says “there are ways families can cut costs on school uniform and one way is by buying second-hand. Uniformerly allows parents and schools to buy and sell outgrown school uniform. It also encourages families to be more sustainable by recycling old, unwanted clothes and purchasing second-hand.

        She goes on to say that in the last 18 months, the platform has helped parents save over half a million pounds on school uniform” and this figure is expected to double by the end of the summer.

        Read the article in full here.

        10th July 2023 – Telegraph & Argus News – Parents can sell old school uniforms from Uniformerly Website

        Your Money Matters is a campaign launched by Telegraph & Argus News to help people in West Yorkshire overcome the surge in the cost of living.

        Reporter, Rebecca Carey checked out Uniformerly to find out what we’re all about…

        She said;

        “With the cost of living and the desire to shop more sustainably on the rise, Uniformerly is a website that parents and carers can take advantage of. The marketplace allows parents and parent-teacher associations to give away, recycle, buy or sell outgrown uniforms. If you’re a parent you can make some extra money by selling your unwanted school items to other parents. If you’re a school or PTA you can list your pre-loved uniforms online and use the funds generated to support important projects at your school”.

        Read more here.

        16th September 2022 – How parents can save money with the cost of living crisis 

        Metro UK journalist Annette Kellow writes; “It’s hard to miss the latest news of energy prices soaring and even food and essential items going up. Add being a parent to the mix and it can feel pretty challenging in the current climate, so we’ve compiled our favourite top tips, on everything from batch cooking to saving bath water, so that you can start saving the pennies and counting the pounds…

        Maddy Alexander-Grout, founder of My VIP Rewards recommends shopping in unique ways to find the best deals.”

        For school uniforms, she recommends “finding a swap shop or buying second-hand. Uniformerly has cheap or free second-hand uniforms from schools all across the UK” to help support parents with the cost of living crisis. 

        Annette says; “There are plenty of ways you can do your bit around the home to help keep costs down for shopping, food, washing, taking the kids out and more…”

        To find more money saving tips this winter, read the full article here.

        September 7th 2022 – Find out more about Uniformerly’s School Uniform Recycling Initiative in the Autumn edition of PTA+ Magazine!

        Read the article: “Love your Pre-loved” at

        Journalist, Daniel Etherington says “An effective second-hand uniform operation is great for the bank balance and the environment. If your PTA is struggling with volunteers for in-person sales, consider taking the operation online.”

        Here at Uniformerly, we have thousands of schools & parents using us to pass on good quality pre-loved uniform at a fraction of the price of buying new! 

        Your school can ask parents to add items, saving your PTA time, whilst still benefiting from online donations or your PTA can run everything in-house.  It’s super easy to get started, your school is already listed and ready to go – and we don’t take any fees or commission!

        We can’t wait to help you on your second-hand uniform journey.

        August 30th 2022 – BBC Breakfast Interview

        Truly grateful to the BBC for inviting our Co-founder Simon to their Salford Studios to discuss Uniformerly on BBC Breakfast this morning. 

        Simon said “Thanks to BBC Breakfast, showcasing our initiative on the show today, we’ve had an incredible response to Uniformerly’s pre-loved school uniform marketplace. Parents from all over the UK have been signing up non-stop since the interview and have listed thousands of items at schools across the UK. The marketplace is a hive of activity with parents, schools and PTAs buying, selling and giving away outgrown school uniform.

        The timing couldn’t have been more relevant – prior to a new school term and in the middle of the cost of living crisis – Back to School shopping is an expensive time for parents and shockingly, recent research has shown that spending before the new school year is now the third largest shopping event after Christmas and Black Friday!  Appearing on BBC Breakfast has enabled us to reach and help so many more families helping them to save money and cuts costs on buying new. Parents are also making money by selling all their outgrown school uniform and other school related items direct to other parents at their child’s school.”

        30th August 2022 – Uniformerly feature in The Independent’s Happy List 2022!

        Super proud moment for Uniformerly today 🙂

        Our Co-founder, Simon has featured in The Independent’s Happy List celebrating 50 inspirational Britons. He said “It’s a real honour to sit alongside so many remarkable Britons doing amazing things for important causes & inspiring positive change.”

        Released in 2008, this is the 14th Happy List presented in partnership with GoFundMe to celebrate inspirational people that do outstanding things for and in their communities – shining a light on ordinary people who do amazing work for important causes and inspire positive change.

        The first ever Happy List included Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the internet and author and philanthropist J.K Rowling and in 2010 Brian Cox featured for making science cool 😉

        This year has some amazing individuals who you might not have heard about yet but they’re doing truly inspiring work and are proving every single day that there is power in working together. You can find out more about these good samaritans below.

        Read the article here.

        Oh and we don’t know who nominated Simon, but whoever you are, we’d like to say a huge thank you! The coverage we’ve received because of the story has helped to raise our profile and will mean that we can reach more parents and schools helping us to continue highlighting the affordability and environmental issues surrounding school uniform.

        30th August 2022 – Uniform website offers cheap and free branded school clothes to parents

        Joel Moore from the Nottingham Post writes about how the “Uniformerly website offers cheap and free branded school clothes to parents, with many local Nottingham and Nottinghamshire schools using the site to buy, sell, give away and recycle outgrown uniforms to parents within their schools.”

        Simon, our Co-founder said; “We’re so grateful to local journalists like Joel, picking up on our story and discussing how we can help parents and schools at a local level. Every story that gets written and shared helps us reach another family and another school.

        Read the article here.

        11th August 2022 – School Uniform Schemes Supporting Families 

        Joshua Wright from The Northumberland Gazette highlights the need for uniform schemes in schools at a local level.

        His article; ‘Schools across North Tyneside run uniform schemes to help support families and reduce waste’ highlights how four schools across North Tyneside are running uniform schemes that will support families and reduce clothing waste.

        Con Steven Phillips, cabinet member for children, young people and education at North Tyneside Council, said: “We know that the cost of school uniform can be a concern for some, and it’s brilliant to see our local schools being proactive and supporting their pupils and families. With the rising cost of living and a climate emergency, schemes like these are extremely beneficial.”

        Jane, Co-founder of Uniformerly said; “We’re truly grateful to local journalists like Joshua, for helping us to spread the word about Uniformerly at a local level – we’re hoping to help families up and down the country to save money where they can on school uniforms, whilst also making money from buying and selling their children’s pre-owned uniforms online at Uniformerly direct to parents at their school.


        The really good news is that parents and schools get to keep 100% of their profits!”

        Read the article here.

        28th July 2022 – CWB Magazine Article

        We have been overwhelmed with your messages of support since receiving our Points of Light Award.

        We were absolutely delighted when the editor of CWB Magazine reached out to Uniformerly asking if they could cover the story.

        You can read the full article written by Laura Turner on CWB’s website here.

        12th July 2022 – Uniformerly receives Points of Light Award from No.10!

        Huge congratulations to our Co-founder, Simon who has just received a Points of Light Award from the Prime Minister rewarding him for his hard work and dedication creating and launching Uniformerly – the UK’s nationwide, award-winning school uniform recycling initiative, designed to help parents cut the cost of buying school uniform.

        The daily Points of Light Award recognises outstanding individuals who are making a change in their community.

        Simon said: “It’s an honour to receive this nomination and a huge boost for ‘Uniformerly’ which has been an enormous team effort. We will continue to work hard to make sure that as much school uniform as possible is recycled and reused, helping parents, schools and the environment.”

        Laurence Robertson, MP for Tewksbury said: “I’m very glad that Simon has been recognised for the hard work he undertook during lockdown. Helping parents with cost-cutting whilst also promoting recycling is a terrific initiative, especially when coupled with his passion for the environment and child poverty prevention. Well deserved!”

        Find out more at:

        8th July 2022 – It’s Our Planet Too, The Evening Standards 10 best kid’s subscription boxes of 2022

        Do you have a little Attenborough at home? Or maybe a Greta?…

        We’re super proud to be teaming up with an amazing independent eco brand like It’s Our Planet Too – they’re a brilliant social enterprise (giving back 50% of all profits to good causes) aiming to educate and empower primary school children to think and care about the environment. Their 100% sustainable and plastic free Tool Kit for Eco Heroes (designed to connect children with our precious planet) has been voted as one of The Evening Standards 10 best subscription boxes of 2022… and we have to agree!

        Our 9 year old son road tested IOPT’s ‘Our World is Changing’ toolkit and genuinely loved it. Its arrival coincided with his schools focus on environmental issues, so was particularly relevant. He was so excited to open his toolkit to find out what was inside! – and it really didn’t disappoint. The content is well thought out, age appropriate (4-10 years), beautifully designed and packaged and most importantly fun, whilst also being stealthily educational! The eco affirmations poster was whisked off to school and has pride of place on the classroom wall.

        Speaking with Uniformerly, Kate, Founder of IOPT said “One of the key ideas behind IOPT’s tool kits is that we wouldn’t bombard you with more ‘stuff’ each month. So most of the activities use things that you can find around your home, in your garden or even in the recycling box. There are a few basics that will be needed each month, including scissors, glue, tape and colouring pencils.”

        Commenting on the article, Jane our co-founder said ”We found IOPT’s knowledge of the world around us inspiring for both children and parents alike, and as a family we thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities whilst watching our sons passion for the environment grow. This little box is perfect for your mini environmentalist and will keep them busy for a significant amount of time – just the trick for weekends and the school holidays!”

        But be warned! Your child will follow you around switching off all the lights, you may find recycling stashes under their bed, in cupboards and all around your house, they may refuse to get in the car, wanting to scoot the 50 miles to grandmas and will turn off the washing machine half way through your wash to save water. To say this little box has had an impact on our sons environmental awareness would be an understatement lol!!

        Login and visit our ‘Members Offers’ page for an exclusive discount on all It’s Our Planet Too products.

        28th June 2022 – The Best Parent Apps you need to Download | As featured in Metro Lifestyle

        We feel super privileged to have featured in Metro Lifestyle as one of ‘The Best Parent Apps you need to Download.’

        Annette Kellow from MetroUK wrote:

        “There are some apps that make parenting that little bit easier, and in the process can help you save time and money, and find a whole new community. From free food to finding your tribe, we’ve done the hard work for you and rounded up the best parent apps you need to download…”

        Read the article in full here:

        Commenting on the article, Jane our co-founder said: “We designed Uniformerly to help parents cut the cost of buying school uniform. As an award-winning online school uniform marketplace, we give parents and PTA’s the power to Buy, Sell, Give Away and recycle outgrown school uniform direct to parents at their school. As parents ourselves, we understand all about growth spurts and the lost property box – subsequently, Uniformerly gives parents year round access to preloved school uniform at affordable prices.”

        And, we know it’s hard to believe but… Uniformerly is 100% free to use – with zero fees and no commission.

        We’d love all parents, schools and PTAs across the UK to take advantage of our free school uniform recycling initiative – join our growing community with members at over 3,950 schools.

        We promise, from registering to listing your first item takes less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!

        9th June 2022 – Uniformerly Speaks to BBC Radio Solent

        Many schools are seeing an increase in parents looking for second-hand uniforms as the cost of living continues to rise. Our Co-founder, Simon spoke to The Alun Newman Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Solent about cutting the cost of living and how Uniformerly can help.

        BBC Reporter, Jo Palmer has spoken to headteachers who have said that second-hand uniforms are becoming more of an essential service rather than just a school fundraiser and discussed the huge increase in demand with our co-founder.

        Speaking with Jo, Simon said that “Uniform actually gets grown out of far quicker than it gets worn out and the affordability side of uniforms has become increasingly important for many parents. This academic year we’ve seen a huge increase and cross section of schools and parents using Uniformerly to pass items on.”

        25th April 2022 – Find us in the Summer edition of PTA+ Magazine! 

        Parents, PTA’s and schools, sell your outgrown school uniform online at Uniformerly, direct to parents at your school.

        With zero fees ALWAYS, you get to pocket all the profit, so you literally have nothing to lose!

        Join our growing community with members at over 3,800 schools!

        4th April 2022 – Introducing Uniformerly’s New Shop upgrade

        Exciting news!

        We have upgraded our marketplace, making it even easier for your school/PTA to run a successful online second-hand school uniform shop at Uniformerly.

        What’s included in the Upgrade?

        A PTA Shop is our free fully automated system. This is for PTAs who want a fully automated shop with online payments, automated emails and stock control.

        It’s super easy to upgrade or to start from scratch – just click the green button below for more information.

        For a more detailed explanation read our Shop FAQs here.

        *Good News* – If you choose to upgrade, your current listings will move seamlessly over to your upgraded PTA Shop.

        Do I need to upgrade my PTA Boost to a shop?

        Absolutely not! – if you’re already using Uniformerly and don’t want to upgrade, please carry on using your PTA Boost as usual.

        Your support means the World to us….literally!

        Thank you for supporting our preloved uniform initiative, we really do appreciate the time you invest in listing your schools outgrown items. Thousands of items from over 2,600 schools have already exchanged hands on Uniformerly’s marketplace – you really are helping parents to cut the cost of school uniform whilst helping the environment too!

        4th January 2022 – Find us in…

        PTA+ Magazine spring edition.

        Start using Uniformerly today as one of your fundraising tools to help raise valuable funds for your PTA.

        Your free online second-hand uniform shop can be up and running in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!

        Find out how here.

        16th September 2021 – Sign the petition to scrap VAT on school uniform

        The Schoolwear Association has kicked off a campaign to abolish the School Uniform Tax 👍🏻.

        They say…

        “Clothing for children aged 14 or older, or taller or larger than the average, is subject to a 20% VAT rate. This includes school uniforms. We are calling on the Government to abolish tax on school uniforms by scrapping VAT on all school-specific uniform items to bring down costs for families.

        Each family would make significant savings in clothing their child in school uniform across the lifetime of their time at school, at what is a relatively limited cost to the taxpayer. The timing is now right too to abolish this tax, as Brexit has given the country new tax freedoms which the Government should take advantage of”.

        Their research shows that English parents are paying close to £9 million in VAT each year for school-specific uniforms 😳.

        For more information about the campaign and to show your support go to; 

        And… DON’T FORGET TO SIGN!

        You can read The Schoolwear Associations report in full here;

        6th September 2021 – Look who we’ve joined forces with!

        We’ve joined forces with Parentkind ‘Bringing Together Home & School’ to offer parents and PTAs a sustainable, cost effective way to re-use outgrown school uniform.

        If you’re a parent or PTA member, Uniformerly is completely free to use and by simply adding your child’s outgrown school uniform items to the website under your child’s school, you are not only helping to prevent wearable uniform going to landfill, you are also helping other parents to cut costs and save money on buying new. 

        Working together with Parentkind, we can provide a sustainable second-hand uniform market where everyone benefits, parents, children, schools, teachers, uniform suppliers and the planet! 

        2nd July 2021 – Uniformerly features on My Nametags Blog

        Meet our new partner Uniformerly

        My Nametags cares about the future. We care about the world we and our children live in, and strive for a greener, better world. In our sustainability page you can see the ways in which we feel we are making a difference but today we wanted to share about a different initiative that we are incredibly proud to be partnering with.

        Last year, a research project we did found that brits bin 1.4 million wearable school uniforms every year. This felt like a lot of uniforms, surely these could be reused?! Uniformerly is a free school uniform marketplace where parents can buy, sell, or give away their children’s school uniforms. The site is easy and quick to use, and it will help you save money, declutter AND help other people as well as the environment.

        In the world of today where everything is available at a click for a very low price it is easy to forget that these things are having an impact in our environment. Clothing plays a big role in this, we overconsume, have more clothes than we need, some items in our wardrobes end up never even being worn! We have also become very good at getting rid of clothes that are still perfectly good – 81% of parents buy their children brand new school uniforms every year – is this necessary?

        In the study (that you can read in full here) we also saw ‘that extending the lifespan of clothes by just three months could result in a 5-10 percent reduction in carbon, water, and waste footprints.’ We already know that prolonging the life of objects makes them have less of an impact on the environment, but we need to take it one step further. Care for what we have, use, reuse and with a little help from a name tag, it can become someone else’s personalised item. Once you find that you no longer need something: pass it on!

        Start by passing on your child’s school uniforms. That is why we are offering a discount to all Uniformerly users! – login to Uniformerly and visit their ‘Members Offers’ page for more details. 

        25th June 2021 – Tales of Me, Award winning childrens books

        We’re really excited to have teamed up with independent children’s book brand Tales of Me (created by Natalie Talisman and Kirsten Taylor) and their award winning children’s books – the team at Tales of Me won GOLD! at the Junior Awards 2020 and they have just been shortlisted again this year for the Junior Design Awards 2021 – need we say more!  All of their beautifully designed books help positively prepare children for starting nursery or school and are beautifully designed to keep all those precious memories together in one place.  An absolute gem of a find, we just wish they’d been written when our little one started school.

        And of course…

        We have an exclusive discount available across the whole Tales of Me Collection for our members. Choose from:

        1. The Tale of Me & the New Baby (Junior Design Awards 2020 Winner – Gold), (Loved by Parents Awards, Best Gift – Platinum, Best Activity Book – Gold and Best Baby Keepsake – Gold).
        2. The Tale of Starting Nursery (Junior Design Awards 2021 – shortlisted)
        3. The Tale of Starting School (Junior Design Awards 2020 Winner – Gold)
        4. The Tale of My School Adventures  (Junior Design Awards 2021 – shortlisted).

        Login and visit our ‘Members Offers’ page for more details. 

        15th June 2021 – Your School Uniform Press Release

        Uniformerly teams up with ethical British School Uniform Supplier to help campaign for affordable school uniform for all parents across the UK.

        A second-hand uniform school initiative has partnered with a leading ethical UK school uniform supplier to help the environment and to ensure that all parents have access to high quality affordable school wear for their children.  

        Unifomerly, based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire is a free online school uniform marketplace where parents and PTAs can buy, sell, give away and recycle outgrown school uniform to parents at their school. By building a like-minded community of parents and schools, they are helping parents to cut costs and make money too, whilst helping schools to raise valuable funds for important projects and wish list items. They are also helping to address the issue of the environmental impact of clothing on the planet – by extending the life of uniform by just a few months, they can significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

        Simon, Co-founder, of Uniformerly said: “We created Uniformerly to help parents with access to affordable school uniform.  Working together with, we will be able to recycle and re-use even more school uniform across the UK than we could working alone – not only helping parents to cut costs but also helping to significantly reduce the amount of clothing waste going to landfill.  We welcome this forward thinking approach to sustainable uniform from Your School Uniform, one of the UK’s leading uniform suppliers and look forward to working together.”

        Your School Uniform Director, Carolyn Budding, said: “We’re right behind both of these campaigns.  Our partnership with Uniformerly offers schools and parents an online marketplace to recycle outgrown items of uniform. Our school uniform is durable and hard wearing and we support Uniformerly’s strapline of ‘Wear it out. Don’t throw it out.’ Working with them we can help tackle Britain’s throwaway culture to promote a circular economy through our joint Repair, Re-use and Recycle philosophy.”

        “At the same time, there are parents on lower wages who need support and the School Uniform Bill addresses that.” Carolyn said, “we’re confident that our ethical credentials are as solid as they can be to the point where we sell a garment, but the question has always been what happens next? Teaming up with Uniformerly provides the missing piece of our jigsaw. For years we have worked with a number of charities, donating surplus uniform for children in deprived countries to wear, however, we did not have a solution for recycling uniform that had simply been outgrown and was still perfectly serviceable for school uniform here in the UK.”

        7th June 2021 – Meeting Fleur Anderson

        Just before half term, we had a really insightful meeting with Fleur Anderson MP, standing for Putney, Southfields and Roehampton.  We’re thrilled to have her support and we hope that other MPs will join her in championing our free recycling school uniform initiative.

        Fleur was part of the cross-party bill committee team that supported the Education ‘Guidance about Costs of School Uniforms Bill’ introduced by Mike Amesbury MP.

        The bill requires schools to follow new guidance on uniform costs. In a nutshell, the bill aims to make school uniforms more affordable and accessible for parents by ensuring costs are reasonable for families of all backgrounds and by giving parents the best value for money.

        The new law will also include measures on encouraging second-hand uniform within schools.  Well, that’s music to our ears! And exactly why we created Uniformerly in the first place!

        Fleur is helping to promote Uniformerly by listing her children’s school uniform at their schools and by letting her constituents know that we are here to help parents with access to affordable school uniform via our online platform

        We would love to help as many parents across the UK as possible, registering is quick and easy – in fact you can join in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea!

        We hope to see many more of you at Uniformerly soon.

        28th May 2021 – Stick with us. We’ve got you labelled!

        We’re super excited to have teamed up with My Nametags – the first choice for thousands of mums and dads worldwide for labelling their children’s school uniform. As parents ourselves, we know that labels are essential and significantly reduce the problem of lost property. My Nametags labels are perfect for withstanding the demands of school life and can be used on everything from uniforms to stationery and accessories. By simply adding a small colourful label to clothing, children can quickly identify their jumper in a sea of jumpers and lost items can easily be reunited with their owners.

        Labels are simple for parents to design and order, they come in an infinite variety of fabulous designs and bright colours that appeal to children and the best bit (in our humble opinion) – there is no need for sewing or ironing – simply stick it on!

        Unless of course…

        You’re old school, then My Nametags have you covered with iron-ons – no needle work required!

        We’re really pleased to work with My Nametags because we can genuinely recommend their labels – we’ve used them to label our own child’s school uniform for a number of years now and can personally vouch that they don’t fall off or fade in the wash. In fact, they stay on clothing better than any other labels we know and with their 10-year washing guarantee and 100% customer satisfaction ratings, do we need to say more!

        We have two great offers for you…

        1. An exclusive parent discount across the whole of the My Nametags range of labels.

        2. A fantastic fundraising opportunity through the ‘My Nametags Fundraising Programme’ for schools and PTAs.

        Login and visit our ‘Members Offers’ page for more details.

        27th April 2021 – PTA+ Partnership

        We’ve partnered with PTA+ ‘The home of school fundraising’ to help your PTA raise valuable funds for your school.  

        Put the money you raise from selling outgrown uniform on Uniformerly to good use, to help with all sorts of important school projects and wish list items.


        Why not use your profits to fund educational trips and fun days out. We think you’ll all agree that our children deserve something a little bit special right now.

        13th April 2021 – Magazine Article

        We’re featured in the latest edition of PTA+ Magazine.

        Head to PTA+ to read all about it.

        17th January 2021 – Small Business Sunday Press Release

        We are so proud to have been chosen as one of Theo Paphitis’s SBS winners. We are really looking forward to meeting you in person Theo!

        Read all about it below…

        A Cheltenham based firm has received a business boost from Retail Entrepreneur Theo Paphitis.  Last week, Uniformerly was one of six weekly winners to gain a retweet by Theo to his 500,000 Twitter followers. The weekly initiative, set up by Theo in 2010, now has over 2500 #SBS winners and supports small businesses across the UK.

        Business and retail entrepreneur and self-confessed Shopkeeper, Theo not only re‐tweeted Uniformerly’s message, they are also profiled on the #SBS website ( that is exclusive to all Small Business Sunday winners.

        Small business champion Theo Paphitis, said: “We are thrilled to welcome new #SBS members every week and highlight just how important it is to support our small businesses here in the UK.  My vision is that everyone who has ever won an #SBS re-tweet from me becomes part of a friendly club; like-minded individuals who can share successes and learnings. The website will also give a valuable profile to the winners chosen and I wish Uniformerly every success.”

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